Tuesday Night Molson League

Final Tournament date is Sunday September 26th!

Welcome to the webpage for the 2022 Tuesday Night Molson League.

The 2022 League season will run 18 weeks long. Registration will begin on March 1st for NEW teams. Please reach out to golf@trilliumwood.com if you are interested in putting a team into the league. More information on the format can be found below.

In our Tuesday Night Molson League each team is made up of a minimum of 4 golfers. Each week your 4-person team will split into 2 teams of 2 and will play another team of 2 in a 2-man scramble format. Each week we will record wins/losses/ties and update the standings. There are 2 divisions, and there will be 2 division adjustments throughout the season. Prizes are awarded to the winning team of each division. The 2022 Tuesday Night League season will be 18 weeks long.  Costs for this year’s league are now available, see below for more information.

Fees for our evening leagues are significantly lower than paying each week at $49.16 per night. You can see a breakdown of the costs for each player type (Member, Golf Plan, Roundel Member & Non-Member) in the image below. If we have to cancel one of the nights due to poor weather conditions, we will issue a rain-check for the 9 hole green fee and cart, valid during twilight hours from Monday to Thursday. 

All League participants must have their entry fees paid or organized a payment plan with the Pro Shop before league play begins. League participants who have not paid will be unable to play.

Registration costs include all green fees and cart fees for the entire season, including green fees and cart fees for the Opening Tournament as well as the Closing tournament. Meals are not included in the cost of league registration fees.

2021 Regular Season Final Result

Congratulations to Don Donnan and Co. and Space Age Shelving for winning the Molson League regular season!

*Tie Breaker was decided by amount of wins in the second half


If you need to have a spare cover for you and you are a regular player (not a member) the spare does not have to come into the golf shop to pay. It is up to the team to organize how you want to handle your spares. If the player on your team requires a spare and they are a member and the person sparing is not a member then the person sparing will have to come into the golf shop to pay the regular rate of $32.00 +hst (green fee portion only, as the member has paid the cart fee already).

It is mandatory that everyone checks into the restaurant to sign in. This allows us to monitor who is on the golf course. We will from time to time, have a player assistant tour the golf course to remind people to sign the sheet in case they forget.

Click to Pay League Fees

Click Here for the 2021 Schedule (Updated July 8)

Weekly Events

50 / 50 Draw – each week we will be selling tickets for a 50/50 draw. Two tickets are chosen each week. 

Skins – Weekly skins will be done. Put your money in the “Skins Bucket” each week.