Tuesday Morning Ladies League
The Convenor, Lynne Brearley, will be sending out an email in early April to confirm numbers of previous league members who plan to return this season.
Green Fees for non-members: 9 holes: $28.32; 18 holes: $49.00.
Golfplan: 9 Holes: $23.89; 18 Holes: $37.17
Note that these fees do not include HST (13%).
League play will generally begin between 9:00 and 9:30, sometimes at 10:00 a.m. in the Spring and the Fall when the mornings are frosty. Occasionally we may have a choice of an even earlier start.
Each week the convenor (Lynne Brearley) will send out an EVITE (electronic invitation) to all members to ascertain who plans to play the following Tuesday, as well as for indicating expected absences on that particular day. On the Sunday before, Lynne will email everyone the teams and their tee times.
If you have any questions, please contact: